Creatrix (noun): She who brings forth inspiration from the depth of her spirit with the pure desire to create.
A woman, at her core, is a creatrix. This life-giving force, whether expressed through the birthing of children, ideas, art, businesses, or other unique manifestations, is central to the feminine journey.
This Rite de Passage is an invitation to honor and embrace your innate creative power—particularly as it relates to the stage of motherhood, whether literal or symbolic. Through this ceremonial passage, you will deepen your connection with your womb, gaining insight, healing, and release from what may have inhibited you from feeling deeply and healthily mothered—by others and by yourself.
Our deepest traumas and unmet needs often reside in our bodies, shaping how we experience ourselves and the world. This experience offers a profound opportunity to tend to these aspects, bringing healing and transformation. By reconnecting with your inner mother, you reclaim the source of your nurturance and power.
You will deepen your connection to the seeds within you—those ready to ripen and be born. This process fortifies you with courage, preparing you for the journey of creation with clarity and confidence.
Your Rite de Passage Includes:
A guided, immersive experience over three months
Ten 90-minute private sessions (held in-person or virtually)
Customized guidance and ceremonial support tailored to your journey
Investment: $3,300