Experience an initiatory journey, custom-designed to usher you across significant thresholds and welcome you into new chapters of your life.

Rites de Passage are guided Initiations provide you with attuned support as you navigate personal, professional, or spiritual transitions and milestones. This process offers insight, tools, and emotional guidance, helping you move through these transitions with clarity, understanding, and resilience. By addressing past traumas and nurturing your innate strengths, you create space for profound healing and growth.

Examples of thresholds include: pregnancy and birth, adolescence and coming of age
, marriage, partnerships and separation
, career changes
 or moves, maturation, loss of a loved one, spiritual awakening or transformation

Each Guided Initiations integrates holistic support including: counseling, coaching, spiritual guidance, ceremony, and ritual facilitation. These methods help you honor, understand, and navigate important phases of life. The goal is to assist you in embracing change, finding meaning, and transitioning to new stages of life with purpose and resilience.

Each experience is personalized and culminates in an Integration Ceremony that honors our deep human instinct to meaningfully commemorate change. These Guided Initiations precipitate significant leaps in your growth and personal evolution, fostering a deeper connection to yourself and your life's purpose. Embrace this journey with the understanding that healing your deepest wounds and nurturing your greatest strengths are integral to transformation. Read more about Rites de Passages here.


Listed below are some themed Rites de Passage designed to support you through specific times of transition. Alternatively we can create a customized one for you to honor any other threshold you or a loved one may be navigating. Click below for more information on each option.


Eve Gaines is dedicated to supporting individuals through transitional times in their lives, creating spaces and experiences that connect them with their highest selves and soul paths. With a wealth of knowledge and compassion, Eve's approach is deeply rooted in understanding the human condition and the intricate interplay between our inner experiences and outer realities.

As a long-time ceremonialist, Eve excels in honoring life's transitions, drawing from her honors degree in medical and psychological anthropology, with a focus on rites and rituals. She has a deep passion for curating meaningful ceremonies and life cycle rituals that resonate on a profound level. Her thesis, which addressed the lack of life cycle rituals for women in Western culture, highlights the challenges women face as they navigate various stages of maturity without vital honoring and support.

Eve's academic background is complemented by her studies in eco-psychology and embodied leadership. She has taught and guided numerous classes and programs on holistic therapeutic wellness through yoga therapy and somatic integration. Additionally, Eve has been fortunate to apprentice in a myriad of healing practices and ceremonial traditions from expert teachers and elders.

Her profound understanding of the human psyche and its need for connection and healing informs her work. Eve recognizes that our deepest traumas and most transformative potentials often reside within us, and through her guidance, individuals can navigate these depths to find clarity and growth.

Eve feels profoundly grateful to steward 20 acres of sacred land in the Santa Monica Mountains, the birthplace of RITUEL, where she continues to create a sanctuary for profound transformation and healing.