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This Pisces season has brought with it a heightened sensitivity, as if our internal compasses are guiding us towards deeper truths. Many of my clients and friends have expressed feeling a remarkable correlation between their intuition and what's happening in reality. This alignment is prompting them to share their insights openly. If this resonates for you, I hope you too are feeling more confident in sharing your wisdom.

We are in an era of metamorphosis, both individually and collectively. As we observe the unfolding events of the world, conventional systems seem to be revealing themselves to be less sturdy and trustworthy than ever, encouraging us, with fresh urgency, to reimagine and reconstruct our wold anew, drawing from the depths of our convictions.

As we navigate these tumultuous times it is imperative to recalibrate, letting go of vestiges of the past and anchoring steadfastly, with hope and trust, in the newly forming terrain of our lives.


ON THE LAND | 3.24

The ceanothus, our mountain lilac is in her full glory this season, making our rugged mountain range appear as though it’s been dusted with a fresh sprinkling of snow. This plant has a beautiful heady aroma and its quality of sudsing subtly with water led it to be affectionate nicknamed ‘soap plant’.

A Rituel practice we recommend for this season is ‘Earthing’ ~ walking barefoot, connecting directly with the electrical charges of the earth. Practiced since antiquity, from indigenous tribes who revered the Earth as a living entity to ancient civilizations like China, where concepts of Qi and life force prevailed, Earthing has been celebrated as a conduit to holistic well-being.

Scientific research now supports the health benefits of Earthing, validating that connecting with the Earth's surface electrons by walking barefoot outside has a myriad of health benefits, such as: reducing inflammation, enhancing sleep, boosting immunity improving mental health and balancing the nervous system. This simple practice reminds us that even amidst life's complexities, connecting with the Earth remains a source of renewal and healing.


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Field Notes 02 | 24