Field Notes 8 | 24
Eve Gaines Eve Gaines

Field Notes 8 | 24

In the rhythm of our daily lives, it’s easy to feel untethered, as if we’re caught in a world that demands too much, too fast. The unrelenting pace, the clamor of responsibilities, and the endless noise—whether from the ceaseless news cycle or the pressures we place on ourselves—can leave us feeling scattered, ungrounded, and yearning for something that seems just out of reach.

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Field Notes 7 | 24
Eve Gaines Eve Gaines

Field Notes 7 | 24

If you had asked me years ago to describe my career path, I likely would have laughed.

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Field Notes 6 | 24
Eve Gaines Eve Gaines

Field Notes 6 | 24

Here are some guidelines and suggestions for creating a personal altar. Adorned with intention and love, this space will become a haven for the soul to commune with the universe.

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Field Notes 5 | 24
Eve Gaines Eve Gaines

Field Notes 5 | 24

We each reach a threshold in our lives when our personal journey and life experience have endowed us with a wealth of wisdom.

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Field Notes 4 | 24
Eve Gaines Eve Gaines

Field Notes 4 | 24

Lately, I've been reflecting deeply on the concept of attunement – the interplay of connection echoing within ourselves, others, and the world around us.

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Field Notes 3 | 24
Eve Gaines Eve Gaines

Field Notes 3 | 24

This Pisces season has brought with it a heightened sensitivity, as if our internal compasses are guiding us towards deeper truths.

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Field Notes 02 | 24
Eve Gaines Eve Gaines

Field Notes 02 | 24

We are at the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Imbolc, as it is called by the Celts, translates to “in the belly”, which evokes beautiful imagery of being in the womb of the earth.

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Field Notes 1 | 24
Eve Gaines Eve Gaines

Field Notes 1 | 24

Women’s lives are shaped by countless transitions—some visible and celebrated, others quiet and unacknowledged. From adolescence to motherhood, from career shifts to navigating loss, these passages are milestones that mark our personal evolution.

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Field Notes 11 | 23
Eve Gaines Eve Gaines

Field Notes 11 | 23

There are so many pivotal moments in our lives when change beckons an inner calling for a fresh start or the aftermath of a transformative period of growth

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Field Notes 10 | 23
Eve Gaines Eve Gaines

Field Notes 10 | 23

As we enter Eclipse Season, many of us are already sensing the profound energy of these celestial transits. We are delighted to have Ali Ofstedal, one of our

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Field Notes 09 | 23
Eve Gaines Eve Gaines

Field Notes 09 | 23

Migraines are a struggle that those who've experienced them understand all too well. Unfortunately, many of us have faced this pain. Several years ago…

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Field Notes 01 | 23
Eve Gaines Eve Gaines

Field Notes 01 | 23

Now is a time to catch up with ourselves, to befriend our emotional world with sincerity and compassion and to offer ourselves companionship, care and admiration.

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