Field Notes 11 | 23

There are so many pivotal moments in our lives when change beckons—an inner calling for a fresh start or the aftermath of a transformative period of growth. Life is full of these transitions, yet we often find ourselves ill-equipped to fully embrace the new versions of ourselves that await.

Imagine having the guidance needed as you stand at life's thresholds.

Who could you become if you had the courage and genuine support to navigate change?

What hidden treasures might await you on the other side of transformation?

At RITUEL, we believe that life is a continual process of change and evolution and provide attuned guidance to support you as are beckoned to life’s thresholds.

“A threshold is not a simple boundary: it is a frontier that divides two different territories, rhythms and atmospheres. Indeed it is a lovely testimony to the fullness and integrity of an experience or a stage of life that it intensifies toward the end into a real frontier that cannot be crossed without being passionately engaged and woken up. At this threshold a great complexity of emotion comes alive: confusion, fear, excitement, sadness, hope. This is one of the reasons such vital crossings were always clothed in ritual. It is wise in your own life … to listen inward with complete attention until you hear the inner voice calling you forward. The time has come to cross”

John O’Donahue


Field Notes 1 | 24


Field Notes 10 | 23