Field Notes 10 | 23

As we enter Eclipse Season, many of us are already sensing the profound energy of these celestial transits. We are delighted to have Ali Ofstedal, one of our beloved Rituel Practitioners here to share her astrological wisdom and guidance with us. Read on to uncover her insights on the upcoming eclipse season.

October opens Eclipse Season, delivering a Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14, and a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28th, ending a two year evolutionary cycle through Scorpio and Taurus.

Eclipses are karmic, wild, evolutionary portals meant to redirect, realign, refocus. They cleanse and purge, without asking permission. Bringing forth the tumultuous winds of change, promising growth, transformation, realignment. Loss & invitations. Extracting the things no longer aligned, and pulling in fresh, nutrient dense nourishment for our soul. The new pieces and parts that will aid us in the next phase, the next chapter. 

Eclipses remind us of the importance of presence, breath, embodiment. 

Delivering the big lessons, they are reminders that our gripping leads to suffering. That our medicine is found in faith, surrender. 

We must find the center point, the eye of the storm, where we can witness and observe the pieces whip around us in a karmic dance, the parts that make up the fabric of our current state, our current reality. 

Strength is required in observation, surrender. As we observe the flickers of what once was, whipping around, alchemizing with what’s to come.

Every 18 months the lunar nodes shift into two opposing signs, shifting our evolutionary focus and the themes for the eclipse portals. 

In July 2023 they shifted from Scorpio and Taurus, to Aries and Libra. This month we officially close the door on a 2 year cycle through Taurus and Scorpio, and move into the themes of Aries and Libra. The self + others.

Courage, identity, self expression, balance in relationships, attachment systems, self abandonment, self centeredness. Our power.

We will navigate these themes into March 2025, especially during the eclipse seasons.


Field Notes 11 | 23


Field Notes 09 | 23