Field Notes 09 | 23

Allow me to introduce myself to those who may not know me: I'm Trinity Rose, the Brand Director at Rituel. It's been an incredible journey working alongside Eve since the inception of Rituel, and it's a pleasure to connect with you all.

Typically, our Field Note emails are Eve's platform to share her beautiful insights and wisdom. However, this time, she's asked me to step in and share a personal journey we believe may resonate with many of you. Additionally, given my close involvement with our exceptional practitioners, it feels particularly meaningful to share my story and how I've personally benefited from their healing expertise.

Migraines are a struggle that those who've experienced them understand all too well. Unfortunately, many of us have faced this pain. Several years ago, I began having migraines on occasion during my cycle, but their intensity grew over time. At their peak, I endured migraines for about 21 days a month, despite multiple medications prescribed by my neurologist. The meds helped some, but I still lived with pain (ranging from level 3 to 7) more often than not, leading to some dark times, shame, and depression.

Recently, things have taken a turn for the better. The frequency and intensity of my migraines have significantly reduced, down to perhaps one or two a month. I'm thrilled to share that I'm no longer reliant on migraine medication. Beyond the relief, I feel more centered, alive, and at ease than ever before.

As mentioned, my role at Rituel has connected me to some remarkable holistic wellness practitioners and doctors. This is fortunate because, as common as migraines are, finding solutions, especially for chronic cases, can be tough. What became evident in my process was that my issue was related to my nervous system's response to stress and pain. This is where Neurofeedback came into play and proved to be incredibly effective. In simple terms, my nerves were physically frayed and needed repair. Neurofeedback helps thicken the protective casing around the nerves, preventing misfires and restoring the nervous system's elasticity. It builds new, healthier pathways for the brain. I've learned that Neurofeedback isn't a one-size-fits-all solution; its effectiveness depends on the practitioner and the program. Also, it's not limited to migraine relief; it also aids in addressing issues like anxiety, depression, PTSD, and even athletic performance. Furthermore, once the pathways are healed, they remain so.

While it typically takes about 20 sessions of Neurofeedback to see results, I started experiencing positive changes after only two sessions. I attribute my rapid progress to the supportive care I've received in conjunction with the Neurofeedback from practitioners like Rose Goodman L.Ac (Integrative Physician,)  Dr. Alex Silver (holistic chiropractic care),  Ali Ofestedal (quantum + somatic healing), and Carly Bindon, who can only be best described as a shamanic bodyworker.

These practitioners are all a part of our wellness sabbaticals, customized deep healing intensives that last 1, 3, or 8 weeks. They blend cutting-edge scientific methods with ancient healing wisdom, offered as private weekly sessions at Rituel’s luxurious nature refuge. It’s an integrative program that includes Naturopathic Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Chiropractic Health, Spiritual Integration, and Psychotherapy. It's all about nurturing your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being within a private container of care.

Eve and I both held a shared dream of crafting these programs well before they materialized into reality. Eve's inspiration ignited many moons ago as she sat journaling on a beach in Hawaii. Reflecting on her studies in medical and psychological anthropology, during which it had become apparent to her that cultures that value the intricate tapestry of the human experience and offer access to healing practices geared towards restoration and balance experience profound enhancements in health outcomes. I envisioned this type of programming when I sent myself on a transformative 8-week healing getaway in Byron Bay a few years ago to address some old emotional traumas, and yes, of course, it’s all connected... If only I had the Rituel Wellness Sabbatical back then…

I'm still on this healing journey, continuing to learn, listening to my body, and following my intuition while continuing to work with these amazing practitioners. I can already say, though, I'm grateful to have my life back!


Field Notes 10 | 23


Field Notes 01 | 23