Field Notes 01 | 23

We have entered the year of the Yin Water Rabbit in Chinese cosmology. Rabbit years are said to be auspicious and this year’s association with the element of Water and of Yin energy heralds a time of fruitfulness and synchronistic integration.

We have also entered AQUARIUS SEASON which is characterized by:

~ Revolution and change

~ Visionary big picture thinking

~ Authentic self expression

~ Humanitarianism

Now is a time to catch up with ourselves, to befriend our emotional world with sincerity and compassion and to offer ourselves companionship, care and admiration. Over the past several years we have each navigated periods of personal challenge, and the recent intense retrogrades we’ve just transitioned out of might have brought some of us to our knees. The silver lining to all of this intensity is that we may now know ourselves better than ever before. We have refined our values and have a sense of the scope of our resilience and the unique gifts that allow us to triumph when things get tough. Now is an ideal time to integrate this self-understanding and to take brave steps towards our dreams, especially those that are beckoning from a place of heartfelt purpose.

This is a time to thrive! Below is a RITUEL practice to support and nurture you during this time



Rituel baths are herbal formulations that can be personalized based on your affinity for certain ingredients, the plants that are native to your area and what you have on hand.


Lavender - fresh or dried. Lavender is balancing to the nervous system, it is also an herb that cleanses and purifies, as it has antiviral, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. The heady scent the flower imparts is also part of its medicine, it is found by many to be soothing as well as transportive.

Callendula or Chamomile - fresh or dried. Callendula has beautiful calming properties that sooth the nervous system as well as the skin. Chamomile is a nervine, known for its power as a relaxant. Beyond this similarity of healing properties each ingredient will add a beautiful golden hue and earthy fragrance to your bathwater. Use either one or a combination of both.

Blue lotus - these can be found dried at an herbal apothecary. Blue lotus is a plant that has a long history of ritual use in ancient Egypt. If taken orally it can be psychotropic but, when added to bath water, it is a gentle relaxing ingredient that is conducive to meditation, aligning with one’s intuition, and imparting a sense of replenishment.

White rose petals - fresh is best and garden roses are ideal. Roses hold a high frequency and are associated with the heart. They are flowers that evoke states of love and an attitude of reverent self care.

Sagebrush - this plant can be harvested in coastal chaparral areas or purchased as an essential oil. Sagebrush has calming properties, it is traditionally used to recall pleasant memories and is associated with our subconscious dreamworld.

White Sage if it is something you grow or if it grows wild near where you live and you can harvest several leaves with mindfulness and care. Otherwise you can use a couple of dried leaves, or different variety of sage Fresh rosemary, or eucalyptus can also be used in its place. This ingredient is added for ceremonial purification.



~ Once you have gathered all of the herbal ingredients for your bath place them in a bowl and add pink Himalayan sea salt.

~ Stir the plants and salt with your hand to combine, as you set your intuition for your Rituel bath.

~ Run you bath water at your desired temperature and add the herbal salt mixture.

~ Draw your attention to the visual beauty of the ingredients and their combined fragrance as you get into the bath.

~ Once you are relaxed in your bath, close your eyes and focus your attention on your heart and solar plexus.

~ Notice the central location of this region of your body and imagine that as you inhale that you are drawing in energy into your solar plexus and that as you exhale your heart is filtering out all that it is ready to dispel.

~ Remind yourself of the purifying and calming properties of the plant allies that have infused into your bath water as you breathe.

~Open your eyes and allow your focus to linger on the rose petals in your bath. Hold you attention at your heart center, sending yourself messages of loving compassion.

~ Then find the blue lotus blossoms, place one on your forehead, over your third eye and take the next 10-15 minutes to relax and follow your intuition to wherever it leads you. Feel free to close your eyes and continue to breath deeply and calmly, still focusing gently on your solar plexus and heart.

~ When you feel complete, emerge from your bath. Get cozy and comfortable and then journal to the following prompt ~

“What are my dreams and wishes for the coming year?”


Field Notes 09 | 23