Field Notes 6 | 24

Growth is a dominant theme I explore in all my work with private clients and it is so often what draws attendees to our wellness sabbaticals and group immersion experiences. Supporting the innate human desire to grow and evolve is what led me to found Rituel and it is what informs and guides all of our programming and offerings.

As a double Scorpio, a sign that is the harbinger of transformation, focusing on supporting others as they grow and initiate into the next versions of themselves feels like the appropriate vocational work for me this lifetime. I often joke that all of the Scorpio placements in my chart allow me to support and guide others as they navigate the profound and sometimes disorienting terrain of personal transformation, while my moon in Aquarius, a powerful air sign, ensures that I can facilitate safe arrivals on the other side. Where the next version of yourself awaits.

There are many times in our life that beckon us to initiate and grow into new versions of ourselves, when we become keenly aware that the next stage of our lives will require us to relinquish old pattens, lay outdated modes of behavior and detrimental coping strategies aside and find new ways of operating. We must learn new tools and be brave enough to venture into the unknown in order to meet the challenges that present themselves, newly resourced. As your guide, I am dedicated to creating a unique, customized experience capable of sparking shifts that precipitate your rapid growth and transformation.



Here are some guidelines and suggestions for creating a personal altar. Adorned with intention and love, this space will become—a haven for the soul to commune with the universe.

~ Select a serene corner or area in your home where you feel most at peace, dedicating it to your sacred altar. Here, you'll weave together the timeless elements and the spirits of ancestry in a tapestry of beauty and meaning, guided by the presence of spiritual allies and the rhythms of the seasons.

~ Begin by gathering representations of the elements: Earth, firm and grounding, finds its place in stones collected from places of significance, reminding you of your connection to the land beneath your feet. Water, flowing and fluid, glistens in a vessel, reflecting the ebb and flow of life's currents and your emotional depths. Fire, radiant and transformative, dances in the flicker of a candle flame, symbolizing the passion and vitality that courses through your veins. Air, invisible yet vital, whispers through feathers or incense smoke, carrying the breath of inspiration and clarity.

~ Amidst the elements, honor the spirits of ancestry by incorporating photographs, heirlooms, or symbolic representations that pay homage to those who came before. Their wisdom and guidance linger in the air, shaping your journey and illuminating your path forward. Invoke the presence of your spiritual guides, whether through figurines, tokens, or symbols that resonate with their energy and guidance.

~ Incorporate found objects from nature to honor the changing seasons and the cycle of life. Use leaves, flowers, pinecones, or shells to represent the beauty and abundance of each season, arranging them on your altar with reverence and gratitude.

~ Craft your altar with intention, arranging each element thoughtfully to create a harmonious sanctuary. Engage in reflection and spiritual practice, using your altar as a focal point for meditation, prayer, and connection with the divine and your spiritual allies. Allow your creativity and intuition to guide you as you infuse your altar with personal touches and rituals that speak to your soul.

~ Maintain and nurture your altar, keeping it clean and refreshed to uphold its energetic purity and vibrancy. As you tend to your sacred space, you affirm your interconnectedness with all that surrounds you—the elements, the ancestors, and the infinite cosmos. It is a testament to the sacredness of life itself, a reminder that within the quietude of your heart, you carry the universe in all its beauty and mystery, supported by the loving guidance of your spiritual allies and the ever-changing rhythms of the seasons.


Field Notes 7 | 24


Field Notes 5 | 24