Field Notes 5 | 24

We each reach a threshold in our lives when our personal journey and life experience have endowed us with a wealth of wisdom. When we are ready to step fully into our maturity as women and to take our rightful place as leaders, wayshowers and wisdom keepers. Maturation is a stage in a woman’s life that deserves to be honored — yet it can feel like an act of cultural rebellion to do so. We are living in a time when it is absolutely imperative that women feel supported in this passage. In fact, it is an essential remedy to so much of the imbalance we continue to experience on this planet.

The term "wisdom years" refers to the phase in a woman’s life when she has gained significant life experience, maturity, and wisdom. It is often a period of synthesis, when the experiences that have been navigated and challenges that have been faced begin to synergize. One’s personal history can seem to take on new meaning and coherence. And the maturity and life experience that has been gained is ready to be alchemized into mastery.

This phase often brings a shift in priorities, perspectives, and self-awareness. Women entering this phase may begin to feel more comfortable and confident in their own skin, and have a clearer sense of identity and purpose. They may prioritize personal fulfillment, deeper connections with others, and contributing to their communities or society in meaningful ways.


Field Notes 6 | 24


Field Notes 4 | 24