Field Notes 7 | 24

If you had asked me years ago to describe my career path, I likely would have laughed. My journey has been anything but conventional, lacking the coherence that society often expects. I followed my genuine interests through college and pursued a master's degree in a seemingly unrelated field. While my professional biography is exciting and diverse, it didn’t fit together neatly and certainly had gaps, including the many years I devoted to homeschooling my daughters.

However, everything changed when I took a leap of faith and embarked on creating Rituel. It was a revelation. The project demanded a diverse array of skills and talents that perfectly aligned with my unconventional education and life path. This experience has been a profound reflection on trusting life’s uncharted terrain and allowing your heart to guide your journey.

Now, I consider it a true privilege to guide other women through this transformative process, helping them embrace and illuminate the treasures within their own life paths with confidence and clarity. Through introspection, creative exploration, and supportive connection, we uncover the strengths, unique wisdom, and skills that lie within each of us, and discover how they serve as guideposts toward navigating the transition into the next phase of life.

This is a sense-making process that feels mystical, as a beautiful coalescence inevitably emerges as we explore how your choices have informed your unique life path and perfectly equipped you to let your truest self-expression to shine. It’s an alchemical journey that I find wondrous every single time!



Keiko Matsuo has been an integral part of Rituel since its inception, renowned for her exceptional bodywork and devoted clientele. Her journey began intuitively as a child in Japan, leading to rigorous training in a preparatory program. She then studied aromatherapy in the UK and gained a cult following in the United States for her transformative sessions.

Keiko is not only a masterful energy worker but also a true healer, specializing in physiological massage that blends shiatsu and qi balancing. Her sessions include insightful counsel and tailored recommendations for enhanced physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Keiko now lives in Hawaii for most of the year, so we are always very excited when she makes a plan to come back to California, and Set’s aside times to be up at Rituel. Keiko particularly treasures offering bodywork during the equinoxes, a practice guided by her own qigong master. These moments mark a powerful time for balancing our systems, harnessing Earth's energy to recalibrate our being.


Field Notes 8 | 24


Field Notes 6 | 24