Woman As Creatrix


Creatrix (noun): she who brings forth inspiration from the depth of her spirit with the pure desire to create.

A woman, at her core, is a creatrix. This life-giving power, whether expressed through the birthing of children or the birth of new ideas, art, businesses, or other unique creations, is central to the feminine journey. This experience invites you to honor and embrace the sacred stage of motherhood. Through this ceremonial passage, you will deepen your connection with your womb, supported in understanding, healing, and releasing what has inhibited you from feeling healthily mothered.

Recognizing that our deepest traumas and unmet needs often reside within us, and shape our experiences and self-perception. This experience allows you to nurture these aspects, so we can heal and transform. This Life Passage supports you in reconnecting with your inner mother, offering a profound opportunity to heal past wounds and embrace your inherent power.

You will deepen your connection to the seeds within you, ready to ripen and be born. Fortifying you with courage, preparing you for the journey of creation with excitement and confidence. Embark on this transformative experience to reconnect with your authentic self and the powerful creatrix within.


Creatrix (noun): she who brings forth inspiration from the depth of her spirit with the pure desire to create.

A woman, at her core, is a creatrix. This life-giving power, whether expressed through the birthing of children or the birth of new ideas, art, businesses, or other unique creations, is central to the feminine journey. This experience invites you to honor and embrace the sacred stage of motherhood. Through this ceremonial passage, you will deepen your connection with your womb, supported in understanding, healing, and releasing what has inhibited you from feeling healthily mothered.

Recognizing that our deepest traumas and unmet needs often reside within us, and shape our experiences and self-perception. This experience allows you to nurture these aspects, so we can heal and transform. This Life Passage supports you in reconnecting with your inner mother, offering a profound opportunity to heal past wounds and embrace your inherent power.

You will deepen your connection to the seeds within you, ready to ripen and be born. Fortifying you with courage, preparing you for the journey of creation with excitement and confidence. Embark on this transformative experience to reconnect with your authentic self and the powerful creatrix within.

Creatrix (noun): she who brings forth inspiration from the depth of her spirit with the pure desire to create.

A woman, at her core, is a creatrix. This life-giving power, whether expressed through the birthing of children or the birth of new ideas, art, businesses, or other unique creations, is central to the feminine journey. This experience invites you to honor and embrace the sacred stage of motherhood. Through this ceremonial passage, you will deepen your connection with your womb, supported in understanding, healing, and releasing what has inhibited you from feeling healthily mothered.

Recognizing that our deepest traumas and unmet needs often reside within us, and shape our experiences and self-perception. This experience allows you to nurture these aspects, so we can heal and transform. This Life Passage supports you in reconnecting with your inner mother, offering a profound opportunity to heal past wounds and embrace your inherent power.

You will deepen your connection to the seeds within you, ready to ripen and be born. Fortifying you with courage, preparing you for the journey of creation with excitement and confidence. Embark on this transformative experience to reconnect with your authentic self and the powerful creatrix within.

This experience is designed to last approximately 2 months, it includes in person sessions and virtual check-ins and culminates in an Integration Ceremony. The program is designed to provide comprehensive support and engagement through a balanced schedule:

  • Bi-weekly in-person sessions at Rituel: These 2-hour sessions offer deep, personalized guidance and hands-on support in a serene, dedicated environment.

  • Alternate week virtual Zoom check-ins: These 30-45 minute sessions ensure continuity and flexibility, allowing you to stay connected and receive timely assistance from the comfort of your own space.

By alternating between immersive in-person interactions and convenient virtual meetings, we ensure you receive consistent, tailored support to navigate your journey effectively.

  • Concludes with a Ceremony of Integration held at Rituel

What is Included:

Customized Mentorship: Engage in private sessions uniquely tailored to your life experiences, aspirations, and challenges. Receive compassionate support and expert guidance, integrating academic knowledge with practical wisdom, to navigate your transformative journey with clarity and confidence.

Reflection and Self-Discovery: Dive deep into reflecting on your life’s path. Through guided exercises and contemplative practices, make peace with your past, uncover your strengths and values, and lay the foundation for meaningful personal transformation.

Empowerment Strategies: Discover practical tools to empower yourself. Enhance your self-confidence, set healthy boundaries, and build resilience to support both your personal and professional aspirations.

Holistic Well-being Practices: Embrace nurturing practices for your mind, body, and spirit. Through mindfulness techniques and wellness rituals, cultivate resilience, inner peace, and vitality, fostering overall well-being and personal growth.

Visioning Your Future: Define and clarify your ideal future through guided exercises and visioning sessions. Identify your values, aspirations, and dreams, and create actionable steps to bring them to life in your daily existence.

Integration Ceremony: Culminate your journey with a personalized Integration Ceremony that honors your unique path. This ceremony celebrates your achievements, integrates the wisdom and insights gained, and empowers you to embrace your authentic self. Step forward with renewed purpose and confidence, ready to manifest your vision for the future.