Integrative Medicine w/Dr.Sara Koorjee

Dr. Sara Koorjee graduated with the highest academic honors from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, Arizona. Dr. Koorjee’s approach to care is grounded in creating a safe environment for patients. Combining tools and wisdom drawn from both eastern and western philosophies, she focuses on building the foundations of health, restoring balance in the body, and empowering patients to connect with their own innate power to heal. The educator in her is guided by the Naturopathic principle of docere, or “doctor as teacher,” and to teach patients ways to connect with their physical, emotional, and spiritual selves. By developing this increased awareness of our physical and emotional states, Dr. Koorjee see’s that patients are able to actively participate in their healing process. Patients can expect to receive an individualized and unique set of gentle and minimally invasive recommendations which incorporate the healing power of food, herbs, movement, water, touch, and homeopathy.

Dr. Koorjee’s particular expertise is in brain and cognitive health, digestive health, mental health, chronic illness and metabolic issues such as diabetes. 


Natal Astrology


Holistic Chiropractic Care w/Dr. Alex Silver