
NATAL ASTROLOGY: Together we will navigate an informative evolutionary journey deep into the framework of your natal birth chart. We will dive into your innate wiring and blueprint, as well as current planetary transits, and how they’re alchemizing with this blueprint. With a strong emphasis on empowerment and sovereignty, we will explore practical tips on how you can harness this energy to shed conditioning and embody your most authentic nature.

Practitioners: Ali Ofstedal @aliofstedal | Tiffany Leonardo @curlcrushyoga

ASTROLOGICAL SELF CARE: In this session, we'll deeply explore the unique aspects of your birth chart, uncovering your natural tendencies, align you with your internal compass and provide you with a tailored approach to your Self Care. A printed copy of your birth chart, along with self-care recommendations, will be yours to keep. You are welcome to record the audio of your session, to refer back to as desired.

Practitioner: Tiffany Leonardo @curlcrushyoga


Acupuncture w/Rose Goodman


Integrative Medicine w/Dr.Sara Koorjee