
These customized sessions are provided by Rose Goodman, a licensed Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine Physician. Rose has a highly intuitive approach to transformational health and vitality based on a synergy of Acupuncture & TCM, Taoist Inner Alchemy, Chi Nei Tsang (Abdominal Qi Massage), Craniosacral Therapy, Womb Healing & Therapeutic Sound. Her dynamic treatment style effectively releases energetic blocks, including unresolved trauma & holding patterns in the nervous system, to restore balance, alignment and integration of the entire body-mind system, and stimulate cellular renewal. Each session includes a comprehensive treatment that is customized to the individuals needs.

These sessions are offered either outdoors or in the shelter of one of our safari tents. We have found that receiving this treatment in such close proximity to nature confers a powerful sense of recalibration and relaxation in the recipient. 

Practitioner: Rose Goodman @vitality_codes


Psychotherapy w/Katrina dela Cruz


Natal Astrology