Psychotherapy w/Katrina dela Cruz

Katrina dela Cruz is a licensed clinical social worker, psychotherapist, and counselor. After a decade as a hospital clinician, she started her private practice Fire Moon Medicines, with the intention of integrating her training and experience in Western psychology with her education, knowledge, and passion for alternative, indigenous, and ancestral healing. She feels fortunate to have encountered her own healers, teachers, and guides who have helped her learn a variety of healing modalities and hone the skills necessary to cultivate and nurture sacred space. Katrina’s intimate experience with modern medicine has given her insight into both its value and its shortcomings. Her ability to hold a sacred space in her psychotherapeutic sessions and to integrate healing practices that honor the soul and spirit, create the optimal conditions for true healing and growth.

Each session is customized to the individuals needs and are offered either outdoors or in the shelter of one of our safari tents. We have found that receiving this treatment in such close proximity to nature confers a powerful sense of recalibration and relaxation in the recipient. 

Practitioner: Katrina dela Cruz | @firemoonmedicines




Acupuncture w/Rose Goodman